
Redefining depression treatment with first-in-class epigenetic innovation


Depression continues to be an epidemic around the world, despite available treatments. Arrivo is interested in the differences in depression between women and men. Literature has long suggested that women and men manifest their depressive symptoms differently, with women tending to display symptoms more outwardly such as sadness, crying, fatigue; whereas men tend to be more inward focused, with symptoms such as irritability, anger and feelings of self-loathing.

Recent published literature suggests that one potential reason for the differences by sex in depression could be that women and men have opposite or divergent gene expression when depressed.

Woman sitting in a chair alone in the room


SP-624 is a SIRT6 activator which has an epigenetic mechanism of action. SIRT6 is a gene silencer, that is believed to play a role in DNA repair, mitochondrial health, inflammation and glucose homeostasis.

Neuron graphic before SP-624 intervenesArrivo SP-624 graphic illustration

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